Have something nice to say about my strip? E-Mail us and you may see it here! |
"Superosity is goofy brilliance. At
times the drawings alone crack me up. Surreal and engaging."
Tatsuya Ishida
"i found one of the funniest comic strips
ever. my thoughts after reading were "i suck, bad. no, really, i suck monsterous
amounts of a$$...etc." you get the idea. so much like my dreams its scary"
"Your strips are
hilarious and your design is brilliant."
Jennifer Adam
Network Development,
Bla-bla.com Inc.
"We used to read
Superosity religiously. When he [Gabe] still lived here, we'd
gather around the PC after one of us got off work. It was
almost family time! We were actually quite jealous of your
skillz, for a period."
Penny Arcade
"Great strip, I mean really, really great. The first
thing I do when I log on is go read it."
Jack Hammond
"There's nothing
we can say about SUPEROSITY that hasn't been said dozens of times
already, so go check it out and let it speak for itself. Chris
Crosby is going places... Places we'll only ever see pictures
Scott Kuehner and Amanda Kuehner
Look What I Brought Home!
"Since the
premature retirement of such great strips as "Calvin and
Hobbes," "The Far Side," and "Bloom
County," many readers have rightfully lamented the lack of
funny cartoons in the newspaper. Well, forget the
newspaper--online is the way to go. Superosity is a seriously
strange comic strip from creator Chris Crosby. It chronicles the
adventures of an idiotic Web site designer, his cocker spaniel
dog, his scheming teen idol brother, his superintelligent
sentient board-shaped creature, and an alternate future version
of Brian "Kato" Kaelin. Really."
Glenn McDonald
Tipworld: E-Mail Mailing List Reviews
"I enjoy your
Paul Harman
"Long time reader.
Like the comic very much and congrats on your rank of 91 [on the
American Association of Comic Art Top 100 Comics of All-Time
Jeremy Vyska
"I love
Superosity, read it every day. Keep up the good work."
Larry Trammell
"I just thought that I'd
bring the attention of the masses to the fact that Chris Crosby's
Superosity is the best online comic. Ever. I'm not saying
this because Chris is paying me to and I'm not saying it because
I like slightly paunchy men who wear green pajamas and orange
capes. Wait a minute, yes I am. Rock on, Chris! Sleep tight
tonight knowing that the masses have been informed."
"hell0. just a
new fan writing to let you know how much i think of your comic. i
have now read every one of the strips, and i would have to take
that comment on your "nice things said" page another
step further. i can't think of any strip published in
newspapers with more entertainment value than Superosity
has. Superosity takes chances and pays off. the
characters are loveable (even Bobby, in his way), and the jokes
are right-on. i will definitely be checking back in for new
installments on a very regular basis. i will also be
clicking banner ads, regardless of whether i'm actually
interested in them, just to support your work. you are a more
than welcome talent on the net. you stand out easily as a
worthwhile stop among so many web mediocrities. thank you
for doing what you do. p.s. Chris is as loveable a buffoon
as Homer Simpson, and Superosity provides more laughs than the
Simpsons has in a couple of years..."
Andy Heitmann
"I have no idea what
makes this thing so freaking hilarious."
rules! I'm going to add it to my list of all the web comics I
read religiously."
"I stumbled upon
SUPEROSITY sometime last year. You do nice work, sir.
Funny stuff."
Aint It Cool News
"The company's [Keenspot]
made up of some very talented people [including Chris Crosby],
and we're excited to work with them."
George Collins
"Viewing my
daily dose of Superosity gives me a warm fuzzy feeling... I hope
your very proud of your creative way of story-telling. Well done
Chris! Just though I'd send you a note since I like your strip so
kicks considerable ass."
Jeremy (Plus a constant)
"Great comic, man.
I'm kind of an aspiring cartoonist myself, but you're one of the
few cartoonists I actually think of as a great artist (Darby
Conley being the other)."
"My friend Corey
told me that when he sent me the first Superosity strip, I had
best be prepared for an all out laugh riot. I stayed up reading
the Superosity Strips all night long. I have never laughed so
hard in all my life, even when I heard the poem about the guy
that bought 200 Monkey's for a nickle each. Every single story
line is awesome, and each one made me laugh so much, it hurt. In
fact, I went from a potbelly to washboard abs just by reading
Superosity daily. Mayhaps the comic strip could market itself as
a surefire way to tighten people's tummys!"
Risque Mojo
"Oh my god. This
is honestly the funniest comic I've ever read in my life, and
i've read em all. I've been going through the archives today just
laughing my ass off man. I can't even remember if a comic has
made me laugh this much before. I just wanted to write to say
you're doin a damn good job and keep it up. I even got the screen
name Slambo Asscrap!!!! lol thanks so much for creating such an
insane comic, it gives me a good laugh everyday. I just got my
brother to start readin it too. So far he loves it. You have the
kind of sense of humor that's rare and funny as all hell. I love
Todd Killick
"Funny! Funny! This is
how funny a comic strip should be! This is the funniest thing
I've ever encountered. Even when I'm pissed off at Jeanette, it
still makes me laugh."
Carl the Rake
"Like good comics?
Superosity is simply amazing, full color strip every single
freakin' day, and hilarious to boot."
"I never used to
read webcomics, I preferred the paper. But Superosity has
won me over, and I read it everyday. Keep up the excellent
work, you're quite a comedian (and artist)."
Alex Kriss
Atypical Interactive
"Being a
cartoonist, I read comics differently than other people. I end up
absorbing them or analyzing them. Does that make sense? I can't
get past the craft sometimes. I'm too busy saying "I wish I
had thought of that." or "I like the way he draws
hands." Superosity is the only strip
(including newspaper strips) that I can get lost in. It's the
only strip right now that makes me actually laugh out loud. It
simply is my favorite strip online."
Scott Kurtz
PvP (Player vs. Player)
(Scott Kurtz posted this on a comic strip-related newsgroup in October 1999. According to a January 23, 2001 GameSpy.com interview with him, SUPEROSITY is no longer his favorite online comic strip, though he has yet to choose a replacement favorite.)
"Superosity is
Teflon Coho
"I like Superosity. I
think it's a pretty good strip."
"i've started reading the
superiosity archives (That's the way i work. I hear about an
online comic, and i read EVERY STRIP) and i actually find it to
be very funny. i was laughing my head off reading some of
the strips. It's in no way serious...just lunacy. hehe.
Good job, Chris!"
Greg Dean
Real Life
this is one wild and wacky strip! Chris Crosby, the artist who
draws Superosity, has created a cast of characters that are so
hilariously goofy looking that you will begin to laugh even
before you have read the first words in the strip! Chris has got
to be one of the hardest working fellows in the online comic
strip business! There is nothing this guy won't do to promote his
site, and all his hard work is paying off! In addition to his
daily comic strip (always in full color), Chris' site also
includes a lot of other cool things to check out. His recent
animated short, PARKEMON, is a great example of the comedic
surprises Chris will spring on you from time to time! Chris'
great sense of humor combined with his remarkably fun style of
drawing make Superosity one of the Internet's best online comic
strips! This site is not to missed!"
Toonhound, Six To Six
"What I've seen so far
shows heaps of promise and talent."
J.D. "Illiad" Frazer (in March 1999, after
reading the first two weeks of the strip)
User Friendly
"This is my favorite online
"It’s OK for Ryan
[Duchane, of Hound's Home fame] to use them, but you try and
I’ll…. I’ll… I’ll slap you silly!"
Pete Abrams (referring to my joking comment
about having Snap try on a pair of triangle-shaped sunglasses
like the kind his character Riff wears)
Sluggy Freelance
"love the Superosity
strip by the way. the art work cracks me up. :-)}"
Brian D.
"If you haven't read Superosity
yet, I suggest you go there now. It's easily one of the
funniest things I've ever seen in my life, and most likely my
death as well!"
Ryan Duchane
Hound's Home
"Chris, 'Superosity' is
one of my all-time favorites!"
Stan Kost
got several high quality chuckles from reading your online comic
strip. I really like the line 'Do you know your appendix is
missing? You'll need that to breath in outer space.'" [From "Weasels, Teen Idols,
and Omnipotence," May 10, 1999 strip.]
Todd McNeely
"Chris, I dig Superosity
for it's unique humor, and I get more laughs in a week out of it
than I do a good episode of Friends."
Jeffrey Rowland
When I Grow Up
"Dude... this is one of
the funniest web comic strips I've EVER read! Right up there with
Goats and Red Meat!"
Nate Wyman
The Funky-Assed Site Award
"Infantile but really
funny. Good art, too. Grade: 8.5 out of 10."
Peter van Hardenberg
The Sublimelight
"Like the comic."
David Alexander McDonald
Artist (http://www.mp3.com/DAMcDonald)
"Lose the butt out of the
alien's mouth....not good for school kids to see, and ya, I know,
half the kids starting at 9 up all smoke, but why encourage
them? Otherwise, the strip was cute."
LaDonna Boehle
"So far the strip is
really funny funny, except the ones I don't understand."
Hobart J. Paine
"I love Superosity --
it's a great comic."
David Tesler
"Superosity is a
very good comic, it's well drawn, but should have better
Ole-Christian Rochmann
"I read you
strip a lot you do some very funny stuff. Keep up the good work
the strip looks great."
Penny Arcade
"I'm an old fart, retired
and all that stuff. Your strip is really good. My
wife and I love it. How long have you been drawing the
strip? It looks like fun for you as well as your doing it
very well. Keep up the good work, We're here every
Frank and Lois Lavigne
"This cartoon came at a great time--I'm trying to
put together my first web page actually using HTML. I am
going nuts quickly. Glad to know that what I have after
four hours ( nothing) is at the cutting edge of design! Good luck becoming rich, famous and
drunk with power."
Katherine Heindel
"I have to be honest with
you. After viewing a lot of comics on the net, I wasn't sure
about Superosity when I first saw it... But after 5 or 6 strips,
damn! It comes second after User
Friendly (and that's meant
as a BIG compliment)."
"All I wish to say about
this strip is that it is a must to read... It's really
hilarious... Chris and Bobby only wear their superhero-outfits,
complete with cape and all, although they dont have any powers or
anything. They just wear them for no apparant reason. Which is
fine with me. Especially those of you who hate Hanson, Chris
Crosby has actually found a way to sympathize with them. They're
evil, and pretty cool in the comic."
A Fool's Words Carry Far
"I am writing to express
my bafflement at the consistent goodness of your comic strip,
Superosity. It is the web-only comic equivalent to a Chinese
restaraunt buffet. My only regret is that the comics were finite
in quantity. I don't understand why you can't have an archive
with a completely unlimited supply of comics so I could waste
even more time at work. Superosity stomps a mudhole in ass. Keep
up the great work!
Jeffrey Rowland
When I Grow Up
"I checked out your
website -- funny strip."
Chris White
"Oh! Enjoying the daily
D. Nick Kask
"Cheers for a great
Benjamin Kerridge
"Different and amusing.
Great strip."
Scott Malkin
"Almost no way to
describe this one, except it's funny!"
Mark Stanley
"Keep up the good
Peter Zale
Helen: Sweetheart of the Internet
"Just wanted to
let you know that I have enjoyed reading your strip (and hope to
continue to do so). I heard about your strip on ZDTV and
started reading this week. Thanks for the fun."
Chris Ellegood
"Hello, I have
read your newest strip
and was wondering if it was in any way supposed to be directed at
me. I would like to post it at my site, I think it's funny
as hell. I have been reading your strip since it came out
and love it."
Jeremy Mueller
"Say goodbye to
Dilbert... ["Superosity"] just might keep you coming
back for more laughs. "
ZDTV's My Favorite Site
"Very nice. I don't get
enough time for the comics, and haven't had time to keep up with
them on the web, so I discovered that a colored comic is a lot
brighter on a computer screen than on Sunday newsprint."
Steve Wozniak
Legendary Co-Founder of Apple
Computers and School Teacher
"Classic... can at best
be described as brutally funny. I think my favorite strip to date
has to be the one dated June 6th, about
spotting killer teens. Cracked me right up, it did!
You've got some funny stuff here, Chris, as good as, if not
better than most of what can be found in the newspapers."
Ian McDonald
Bruno The Bandit
"Funny comic
strip...I routinely check it for a laugh. I just thought you
would like to know your work is being appreciated. The one on the
Hanson brothers ["Weasels, Teen Idols, and Omnipotence"] was definitely
my favorite."
Jake Knerr
"Very odd
strip.....very odd..."
Drea Byrne
Super Goth
"He can travel
anywhere in time... visit the dinosaurs, meet Einstein, find out
who really shot JFK. So what does he do? He watches star wars ["May 25, 1977"]. Superosity is my favourite comic at the moment,
keep up the good work Chris."
Luke McEvoy
"Chris, you're
weird...I like it! Just for the record, Superosity is the only
strip I read regularly at WebComics."
Ted Dawson
"I stumbled across
Superosity a couple of months ago and I have really enjoyed it
Amy Moore
Tikaboo Peak
Mr. Chuck Show is proud to have its first "repeat"
winner. Before Superosity, which was launched back on March 1st
of this year, Chris Crosby was the recipient of the May 1998 Top
Dog Award for his weekly comic strip Snap, the Punk Turtle. This makes him our first
"two-time" winner. (Note: for everyone who covets
this award, don't feel cheated that Chris has won twice while you
haven't even won once. Truth is, God spoke to me last week while
I was eating a Breakfast Sampler at IHOP and told me to pick
Chris again, which would in turn help you see that life is often
very unfair and unjust, which would in turn ultimately help you
grow as a person. God loves you. Now pray that Chris doesn't
start a third comic strip). You will like Superosity for the
very simple reason that the strip will make you laugh out loud.
The humor is often off-beat and the story lines are highly
unpredictable. Superosity, which includes many new characters,
also happens to include the main cast from the previously
mentioned Snap comic as well (YES! the cigarette smoking
amphibian lives again!). Here is what Chris has to say about
the new strip... "SUPEROSITY is a daily, full color strip
chronicling the trials and tribulations of a guy named Chris. He
wears a funny-looking costume and cape for no apparent reason.
Along with his scientist friend, Boardy, his scheming little
brother, Bobby, his Circle Z clerk pal, Barton, his cocker
spaniel dog, Giz, and a gaggle of other funny characters too
minor to mention, he tries to answer the eternal questions of the
human race while still fitting in a lot of quality time watching
old ALF videos." If you haven't been to Chris's site
yet, start on the guide page. Here you will find links to the
beginnings of story lines. My favorite story line is "Marlene's Story" where Bobby agrees to make
a girl into the most popular girl in school. My favorite strip is
from 3-18-99 (In the "Get a
Job" story line). The third panel just had me in tears.
I'm laughing again just thinking about it. Anyway, make sure you
go to the archive page where you can choose from a weekly or
daily format to catch up on the strip. Don't forget to go back
every day. Superosity runs seven days a week with a large format
strip on Sunday. The strip has been getting funnier by the week.
It looks like Chris has really found the strip that he was meant
to do. We hope that he is around for a long time.
Congratulations, Chris. Now go check out Superosity."
John Myers
Mr. Chuck's Top Dog Award
"This cartoon is really
starting to grow on me. I gave today's 5 Stars. Very
funny...chewing on eyes like tennis balls. Hehehehe"
J. Northrop
"Chris Crosby's
"Superosity" is by far one of the funniest, most
ridiculous, gut-reacted humor strips on the Internet. Mr. Crosby
turns out a new strip each day, which is an achievement in
itself. But beyond that, he provides us with interesting,
loveable, dopey, realistic yet imaginative cast members. Mr.
Crosby has mastered the hard-to-find art of story-telling on a
day-to-day basis. He also manages to avoid using hyphens whenever
possible. One cannot help but wonder if he were to run into Mr.
Crosby on the street if he would indeed be wearing a superhero
costume and cape. But obviously the characters go beyond
representation of actual people and have taken on a life and
personality of their own. My first clue was the character
"Boardy." Here again, Mr. Crosby has achieved what even
Disney can only do with hired voice actors: bring life to an
inanimate object. He has done this almost effortlessly, and
Boardy strangely enough fits in very well with this strange cast
of oddballs living in Super City. The art is fun and
professional, and Mr. Crosby's writing skills provide excellent
dialogue between the cast. While Mr. Crosby's signature is barely
legible, this will probably help him on down the line with
signing autographs. Kudos to Mr. Crosby on creating an
entertaining, growable, intriguing comic strip."
Peter Parker
"I think Boardy
is cute."
"Your work is visually
Greg Johnson
"Fantastic work, as
always. Long live Superosity!"
Steven M. Reardon Jr.
was] an instant hit. It's very unique--a hard thing to pull
on in comics nowadays--and almost always hilarious."
Jeff Darlington
General Protection Fault
"I read Superosity for
the first time today, I found it through Goats. I enjoyed your fresh sense of humor very
Eric D. Ellis
"I don't comment
on the work of other cartoonists, but I wish you the best of
Scott Adams
"I just fell in
love with this a few days ago. It's wonderfully not
right. It may be the best comic ever. It's got guys in it
that dress in superhero costumes, but I haven't read all the
strips yet, so I'm not quite positive that they're actually in
possession of superpowers. Neat."
Nick Dunn
About That Time Again...
"[Superosity is]
a strip way up there with Goats
and Helen for its
brilliantly idiosyncratic vision."
John Allison
Bobbins Online
"The gamesclub
has taken a distinct liking to Superosity in the short time we've
been running it!"
Jason Maisonet
Concordia University Gamesclub
"Continued success for
your superb site."
Howard V. Barton
Web-Star.Com, LLC
"I was just randomly web
surfing (a nasty habit I know), when I came across your Website
for Superosity and was quite delighted and very amused by your
J. Michael Long
"Hilarious...This is
funny stuff."
Bob Cesca
Chaos Entertainment
"Chris, you have a great site! Keep up
the good work. The color in your strips is really good, and your
artwork is great!"
Thom Tapp
Church of the Covered Dish
"Superosity, since it
started, has been one of my must-sees every day."
Thomas K. Dye
"I looooove it! Love it!!!! By far one
of the most amazingly funny strips that I have ever read...after
reading them I had to run to the bathroom cause I was gonna wet
myself laughing. Thanx for all the laughs... Please PLEASE keep
it up."
Andrew (Frost)
"I loved that call at the end of the
cartoon strip a few days ago, "Alf is from Melmac." I was trying to tell other people the joke, but i
guess you just had to read it...top work!"
Conrado Gil
"Why did you have to go and do that?
You had to go and make a daily strip! Now I'm going to have
to read it every single day! By the way, Superosity IS
great. You had me laughing out loud. I especially love the part about going
back in time to steal money, but only from murderers. Superosity
is off to a hilarious start."
Aric McKeown
"Just a random UFile (User
Friendly fan) wanting to
say, 'Keep up the great strip. It's got me ROTFL.'"
Tim Schaller
"Superosity looks great. Keep up
that great work! I am glad to see it's a success on
David deVitry
"How can I express my love
for this comic strip in simple words? I don't have an answer to
that question, but I'll try to put my feelings into words.
Superosity is the latest comic strip from Chris Crosby, creator
of Snap: The Punk Turtle (winner of this award in May of 1998).
Let us get this clear, Snap had me falling off of my chair
laughing with it's weekly posting of strips. I'm going to die
now, because Superosity comes out every single day!
"But," you say, "won't the humor quality drop if
it's put out daily rather than weekly?" That's where I punch
you in the top of the head and say, "No way! Just read the
strip!" It is absolutely hilarious. All the characters from
Snap are in this strip. Chris, Bobby, Snap, Boardy, and the rest.
They get into many madcap situations. Mind you, I don't know what
madcap means, but I assume it's good and crazy. I just can't say
enough good things about this strip. Oh yea, it's in color.
That's a bonus. Chris's ideas are all fresh, funny, and chalk
full of references from Alf to Ain't It Cool News. Chris seems to
know his audience very well, not doubting for a second their
intelligence level. I truly think that this strip is good enough
to give Sluggy Freelance and User Friendly competition. So, why
are you still reading this review? Go check out this amazing
comic strip."
The Ashfield Award (April 1999)
"Checked out your site
quickly...enjoyed the strip. Color too! Wow."
Michael Jantze
The Norm
"Superosity is pretty
cool. Chris Crosby draws with a real sense of maximum
goofiness and gives the strip a visual impact few other current
web strips possess. (It doesn't hurt that every episode is
in color.) The main character Chris (and his brother Bobby)
already have clear personalities in just two months worth of
strips. Chris just may be the stupidest character I've ever
met (we're talking dumb and dumber here). And yet he's
actually charming. The strip still needs to show that it
can sustain funny storylines that don't overly rely on cheap
insult punchlines but it is clear that Superosity is getting
there (Chris going back in time just to see the premiere of the
original Star Wars was especially funny)."
Robb Tanner
"Superosity is one of the
few comic strips on the web that regularly makes me laugh out
Jon Rosenberg
The Comic Strip